Perpetually Great Homeowners Insurance Since 1794

Financial Strength


We’re proud of our financial strength. As of the end of 2023, Baltimore Equitable had assets of $203.4 million (nearly all of it liquid) and liabilities of $75 million (mainly in the form of our deposits).

Policyholders’ Protection Fund

We’re pleased to report that we are the very picture of financial health. We have assets of $203.4 million and deposits of $63.8 million. This means we could refund every dollar of deposit three times. Another way to look at our finances is if every policyholder decided to cancel their policy and we refunded all their deposits and fulfilled all our other obligations, we would still have over $120 million in the bank. This Fund along with reinsurance protects our policyholders in the event of a catastrophe.


Since 1899, AM Best has been the measure by which the financial health of insurance companies has been taken. AM Best reviews insurance company’s financial strength, creditworthiness, profitability, and other areas of corporate function. As of June 1, 2023 Baltimore Equitable Insurance’s rating was A-(Excellent) with a Stable outlook.

This company was issued a secure rating by the A.M. Best Company, click for additional details
Baltimore Equitable Insurance, Homeowners Insurance, Baltimore, MD

Annual Statements

Click on the links for our Annual Statements and learn even more about our financial strength.

2022 Condensed Annual Statement in PDF Format
Download the 2022 Condensed Annual Statement in PDF Format
Download the 2021 Condensed Annual Statement in PDF Format
Download the 2020 Condensed Annual Statement in PDF Format
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