Perpetually Great Homeowners Insurance Since 1794

Privacy Policy

Our Commitment

Your right to privacy is very important to Baltimore Equitable Society for Insuring Houses for Loss by Fire, herein referred to “Baltimore Equitable Insurance” or “Baltimore Equitable”. This notice serves to explain what type of information we collect; how we collect it; what we do with it after we collect it; how we safeguard your privacy; and how you may obtain information, if any, about your Nonpublic Personal Information (NPI).

Overview of our Privacy Practices

• We do not sell your NPI.
• We do not share your NPI with nonaffiliated third parties other than as necessary to service your policy or claim.
• We do not share your health or financial information, except as authorized by law.
• We use your NPI only to service your policies, claims and to meet your needs as they have been described to us.
• We will require that persons or organizations providing goods or services to you on our behalf protect the confidentiality of your NPI.
• We protect your NPI regardless of whether you are a current or a former customer.
• We maintain administrative, technical, and physical safeguards to protect your NPI from disclosure.

How We Collect Information

We collect and use information we believe is necessary to provide you the coverage, product, or service you request, or to service your account as permitted by law, and as needed to conduct business. We gather information from:

• You – which includes your application for insurance and/or other forms;
• Your transactions with us, our affiliates, or others;
• Consumer reporting agencies, motor vehicle records, credit reports, claims history, loss information reports, court records or other public records; property inspections to verify value and condition for property insurance;
• Your claims activity.

We use this information to underwrite your policies, process your claims and service your account. If coverage is declined or the charge for coverage is increased because of information contained in a consumer report we obtained, we will inform you as required by law and/or the federal Fair Credit Reporting Act. We also will supply the name and address of the consumerreporting agency making the report.

Information We Collect About You

Information can include, but is not always limited to:

• Your Name
• Address
• Birthdate
• Driver’s License Number
• Accident and Violation History
• Information about vehicles, drivers, mortgages, lien/lease holders
• Financial account information
• Claims history reports
• Photos of your property

What We Do with The Information Collected

We use your information only as permitted by law. We may use your information to service products you have purchased; underwrite your policy; process claims; protect against fraud; and comply with legal requirements.

Information collected is maintained in our policy records. We may review it to evaluate requests for insurance coverage or to determine your insurance rates. Your information may also be used to decide whether to continue your policy or settle a claim.

If coverage is declined, or an adverse action is taken because of information we received from a consumer report, we will inform you as required by the Fair Credit Reporting Act.

To Whom We Disclose This Information

We will not disclose information about you without your written consent unless the disclosure is necessary to conduct our business. By law, we can share information about you without your permission under certain circumstances to certain people and organizations. Examples include:

– Independent claim adjusters, appraisers, contractors, investigators, and attorneys in order to investigate, defend or settle a claim involving you.
– Mortgagees, lienholders, lessors, loss payees, or other persons shown on our records as having a legal or beneficial interest in your policy or claim proceeds.
– Consultants or other service providers that perform business functions for us such as mailing or marketing services.
– Our reinsurance companies.
– Businesses that conduct research for us such as actuarial or underwriting studies.
– Consumer reporting agencies in connection with any application, policy or claim involving you.
– Insurance regulatory agencies in connection with the regulation of our business.
– Law enforcement or other governmental authorities.
– By order of subpoena, warrant or other court order as required by law.

We do not otherwise give information about you to people or organizations that would use the information to contact you about their product or services.

How We Protect Your Information

Baltimore Equitable maintains administrative, technical, and physical safeguards to protect your information. Access to customer records is restricted to employees with a business reason for knowing such information in order to provide products and services to you. Employees are trained to protect customer privacy by adhering to the privacy responsibilities outlined by Baltimore Equitable. Should you cease being a customer, we will continue to protect your personal information in the same manner.

Your Rights

You have the right to know what information we have about you and to receive a copy upon request. Despite your request, we may not be able to disclose certain types of information collected when evaluating claims or possible lawsuits. We will not send you any reports provided by any consumer reporting agency. Instead, we will give you the name and address of any consumer reporting agency that prepared the report about you, so that you can contact them for a copy.

To submit your request for other types of information, please send your complete name, address, and policy number to:

Baltimore Equitable Insurance
509 S Exeter St
Suite 420
Baltimore, MD 21202

Within thirty (30) business days of receipt of your written request, we will disclose to you the NPI about you in our files. We will tell you with whom we have shared your NPI within the past two (2) years, or for the time period required by state law. If you believe your file should be corrected, please contact us in writing with the request. We will make the change or provide an explanation of our refusal to do so.


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